My time

Last week I was lucky enough to have a day to myself. I knew just what I wanted to do, scrapbook! This is definitely one of the things I really enjoy, it helps me to relax and I find it really therapeutic and a good use of my ‘me’ time.

I’m sure we can all agree time to yourself can be hard to come by, whether you are busy with work, looking after your kid/s or you just need some time out to refocus. I know at times I’m not very good at making time for myself, so I’m trying to make an effort to arrange a day every now and again. I’m happier when I feel I have had time to myself to do something I enjoy. This usually means kids and husband are happier, since they don’t have a grumpy Mum/wife who is becoming overwhelmed with everyday tasks and the crazy nonsense in her head. (Yes this is me!).

I named my blog Craftyorganisedme, so its about time I shared some of crafty stuff.

There is a fab shop in New Plymouth called Craft Haven which I like to visit on a regular basis for my craft supplies. (Plus if I cant get into the shop they have a website!). When I am there I am able to spend many hours using their craft equipment with minimal distractions, bliss! Deb and Bronwyn are the owners of this great store and I always feel more like  friend than a customer when I am there.

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Mr Happy Aril 2015


Little Miss April 2015

I’m pretty pleased with what I accomplished last week. These are 12×12 layouts and I found the inspiration for them on Pinterest, I find most of the my craft ideas on there.

I don’t really get to show anyone what I do when I’m at the craft shop. I often ask myself “is anybody actually interested? I guess this was one of the reasons why I thought I would start blogging. I feel I can share some of the things I create and who knows whoever is reading this might actually like seeing what I achieve when I am having some much needed time to myself.
