Liebster Award

I began my blogging journey in April this year and I ask myself ‘Why didn’t I start it sooner?” I don’t really know the answer but I have found blogging to be extremely therapeutic. Plus, I have been able to discover more blogs that I love and form friendships with other  bloggers, even though we have never met.

I am so honoured and excited to announce that my blog, CraftyOrganisedMe has earned its very first award the Newbie Blogging Liebster Award.

Thanks to Facebook I discovered a great bloggers group that I joined. One day a fellow blogger shared that she had also been nominated for a blogger award and she was looking for other bloggers to nominate. I suggested myself, (as you do!) I didn’t think I would get chosen…… then one day I received a lovely message telling me I had, so thank you to  Iyanna @Yannivlovely. Her blog features articles based on lifestyle, personal finance and everything creative, check it out!

What is the Newbie Blogging Liebster Award

The Newbie Blogging Liebster Award is an award given to new bloggers, usually for those who have less than 200 followers, by other bloggers as a way to support each other in our journey to growing and building our blogs.

What are the rules?

  1. Post your award to your blog
  2. Answer the questions you were given by the person who nominated you
  3. Nominate a small group of other new bloggers you’ve discovered (I’m doing 9!)
  4. Create 10 new questions for the nominees
  5. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link their blog.

Here’s the questions I was asked to answer:

Why did you start your blog?

I have thought about it briefly on/off for years but always quickly dismissed it.  Then in April this year I was driving to my in-laws (just under an hours drive from our home), my Son was sleeping and I was listening to a CD.  I was thinking about certain things that I would love to share and talk about but didn’t have any way of doing so. I then thought, why not start a blog? At first I dismissed the idea, ‘who would want to read about my life?’ I then thought, ‘who cares, I’m going to do it’. When I arrived at my in-laws I shared with my husband what I had been thinking about and asked what he thought. He didn’t say much, but most of that day I spent time researching which host I would use to start my blog and coming up with a name.


Who are some of your favourite bloggers and why?

One of my favourite bloggers has to be Bec at twodaysgirl. When I started to lose a bit of faith about launching my blog, I sought out help and her blogs Facebook page appeared on my newsfeed. I got in touch and lets say, the rest is history. I love her blog, her humour and her honest tales about her life.

I also love Maria at Happy Mum Happy Child, a lovely, honest kiwi Mum. Her Sunday Stalker videos are hilarious. She is another honest Mumma who is very cool. And is also honest about her journey with postnatal depression.

Yvette at a beautiful Mother who is sharing her story with postnatal depression. Thanks to blogging we have found each other, hopefully one day we will meet.

I read quite a few blogs I enjoy, I can’t list them all. If there is anyone you know who’s blog I should be reading, let me know.


What are your short-term and long term goals for your blog?

I think I will continue blogging for as long as I enjoy it, which I hope is a long time to come. I find writing extremely therapeutic and I’ve always liked writing. I would of course like to find more followers who I hope would find my blog useful and entertaining. I would like to be considered to do reviews for local or international businesses. I actually don’t want anything in return, I would just like the opportunity to help promote their business and/or their talent. There are so many individuals out there and to help them spread the word about themselves and what they do, would be an honour.


What is your ideal morning routine

Ha I would love to be able to wake when I want! But doesn’t everyone. I guess I just like being able to wake, not to rush, have a cup of tea, shower and eat my breakfast in peace. This doesn’t happen very often as all, but as long as I get my morning cuppa I’m generally happy.


How do you incorporate blogging in your schedule?

I don’t have a schedule as such, but the majority of my blogging would be done when I have a little time to myself and one or both of my kids are napping. I find I will get inspired or think of something I want to write about at various times of the day, so I will often jot down a few notes in my notebook.


What’s your favourite city and why?

This is a tough question for me, I would love to say New York (but I haven’t been there yet!), I have been to Paris but I was there for long enough to judge it as a city. I was desperate to leave my hometown Bournemouth in England when I was growing up but now I am not there, I have a lot of love for the place. It always brings a smile to my face when people tell me they have been or are going to Bournemouth. Melbourne is fab! If I had to move to there I would be more than happy. I would love to visit there again one day, maybe I could meet my Australian blogger friends there one day?!


What’s the easiest and hardest part about blogging for you?

The easiest part of blogging would be the writing, I find the words will often pour out as I type. Ideas for posts come quite freely to me as well. The hardest part would be the time, I wish I had more time to write. But I think I will forever wish for more time to do everything. I’m not very tech savvy, so I have trouble from time to time uploading or moving things around on the blog as I would like it.


What is your favourite leisure activity to do?

I  love to scrapbook. It takes up quite a bit of time though. I always plan to do some at home but I prefer visiting Craft Haven, my favourite craft shop. It is definitely like my second home, I could go there everyday and I would always find something crafty to do.


What motivates you to continue blogging?

I think being a Mother to my two children and my angel baby will always be my motivation to write. I am always thinking of more ways I can remember my dear Alex and honour his memory. Being a Mum after losing a baby is something I think of ALOT and I’m thinking of and wanting ways to incorporate his memory into their lives. Having depression is something I am not afraid to share and I would be honoured to feel my stories help someone else who us really struggling.


Relationship status? Any kids (2 or 4 legged)?

I’m happily married, five years in November. I can’t believe how quickly the time has gone. We had Alex in 2011 who was stillborn during pregnancy and Little Miss who is three and Mr Happy who is almost 17 months. I would love a dog but we are busy enough at the moment, we plan to get a family dog one day though.

Liebster Newbie Bloggers Award

Liebster Newbie Bloggers Award


Bloggers I nominate

Yvette at

Jasmine at Mummy and her mini

Shannon at Some Shananagins

CindyLynn at Hometown Queen Bee

Patri at Visual Sociology NUIG

LaQuinda at Sister Lady Girl

Beth at The She Suite Blog

Amber at Culture and Greens

Tudor at My Studio Blog


My questions for you

  1. How did you come up with your blogs name?
  2. Why did you start your blog?
  3. What are your future plans for your blog?
  4. What are your two favourite blog posts you have written?
  5. Suggest five other blogs I should follow.
  6. Where do you live in the world and who do you live with?
  7. What do you enjoy to do when you get some time to yourself?
  8. Place you would most like to visit?
  9. What do you think is the best thing you have discovered through blogging?
  10. Do you have a job, outside of blogging. If so what do you do?

I look forward to reading your responses and happy blogging!


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